Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Never Forget

Tomorrow is the seventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. Hopefully, America will take some time to honor those that died on that tragic day and the men and women of our armed forces that are fighting hard everyday to ensure that it is never repeated. God bless our troops and God bless America.

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

eMINTS Winter Conference

So I am sitting at the eMINTS conference in Columbia and I was wondering, "What do I blog about?" How do I even consider trying to explain all of this info that I am receiving at light speed from world renowned educational technology experts? The easy answer is, "I can't." So I decided to use a program I learned about (Photo Story 3) and make a video. This program is an easy way to turn some pictures and a song into a short video. So I need some pictures. I check my laptop folders and find.....lots of pictures of my little guy. So here is my first Photo Story video entitled My Smoochie Guy. Enjoy.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Stories Behind "Empty Hands"

Empty hands held high, such small sacrifice.
If not joined with my life, I sing in vain tonight.

These are the opening lines of "Lifesong" by Casting Crowns and one of the reasons for the title of this blog. My faith is the most important thing in my life, but I often wonder if my life confirms that fact. Colossians 3 says that “Whatever you do in word or deed, do it all for the glory of the Lord.” I try to remember that whenever I worship God by raising my hands in church, singing along at a concert, or just period. Is my worship pleasing to God or do I sing in vain? Do I worship God with my hands and my song or with my entire life?

"I come to you with empty hands. I greet each day with purpose, enthusiasm and with humble thanks. I greet each living being with respect, for having learned to respect myself; there is no fear within me. Because I am in total harmony with myself, I am in harmony with the world around me. Though I have been privileged to share lessons taught by the greatest teachers in the world, greater lessons still will be taught by life itself. Through life, the meaning of each lesson will be made clear. Each day is an opportunity for greater understanding. Thus, of the principles I have learned, the most important is that there is yet much more to learn. I am a student of life; I am a student of Martial Arts." – Grandmaster Man Hee Han

This quote by Grandmaster Han is a key component of his philosophy of life and the foundation of Youn Wha Rhu. I am currently a 2nd degree red belt in this complex system which has a basis in Tae Kwon Do and contains fighting techniques from almost every available style of martial art. Youn Wha has helped me to not only grow physically through the Martial arts but mentally and spiritually as well. I have gained a better understanding of who I am today, as well as who I want to be in the future. Through this organization I have been privileged to meet some wonderful Christian people who I can now call my friends. Youn Wha is truly "One Mind, One Body, One Spirit, One Family".

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